“World First” Prostate trolley!






Another Proud Day for Brown Dog – today at the Leicester General Hospital a “world first” prostate trolley and new procedure was formally launched by Masood Khan (Consultant Urological Surgeon) and supported by members of Brown Dog and PROSTaid who jointly funded the equipment. This new procedure now enables men to be treated quicker under local anaesthetic (not General anaesthetic as previously done with higher risk of sepsis), biopsy’s are also now taken by all small incision in the perineum which gives 100% access to the prostate and has doubled the accuracy of the cancer findings, patients will no longer have to take up valuable theatre time, plus they will be treated much quicker as day patients. Dr Khan explained how he will be now training many other doctors across the UK in how to apply this successful ground breaking procedure. Brown Dog would like to thank everyone who made a donation in 2019 to make this funding happen